What is the difference between caviar and fish eggs?

Answer 1:

Caviar is the salted or brined eggs of a sturgeon or other sturgeon-like fish. The greatest caviar comes from the caspian sturgeon, which is fished in Russia or Iran, although sturgeon is now farmed for its eggs all over the world.

It should look like this: greenish dark and greasy.

Then there are caviar preparations made from several types of fish eggs.

In Sweden, caviar is a cheap paste made from smoked cod roe that is used as a sandwich spread.

Kaviar is a product made from the roe of a lumpfish. It comes in red or black and is mostly used for adornment because it has no flavor.

Finally, salmon, trout, whitefish, or whitebait eggs are sold as authentic caviar. It’s pricey and regarded as a delicacy.

It’s also a key element in a toast Skagen, along with shrimp and mayo.

Then there are a variety of different fish egg preparations that resemble real sturgeon caviar less and less.

Italians grate dried bottarga on spaghetti, for example.

Or the fried cod roe slices that we all hated having at school for lunch.

Answer 2:

All eggs from fish are referred to as “fish eggs.”

Caviar has traditionally been defined as the Roe of “wild sturgeon in the Caspian and Black seas.” Today, this phrase refers to salmon roe, steelhead roe, trout roe, whitefish roe, and other forms of roe….

For the intended definition, I’ll stay with Wild Sturgeon.