Is caviar supposed to taste light or fishy? I’ve read many people say it’s an acquired salty and fishy taste but I recently had some farmed caviar for the first time and it was so good, though not fishy/salty, rather light and delicate…is that ok?

Answer 1:

If you’re talking about the very costly “genuine” sturgeon caviars from Russia or Iran, such as the black and grey Beluga, Ossetra, and Sevruga, I don’t think they’re fishy at all, with firm eggs that explode. Kaluga Hybrid, a cheaper black caviar that tastes similar to Ossetra and is fairly delicious, is also available.

Paddlefish caviar, one of the more affordable US blacks and greys, has a strong, straightforward fishy note; I don’t believe anti-fishy folks would be turned off by it; it’s very…clean flavored? Bowfin caviar is similar to paddlefish caviar in appearance, but the flavor is distinct.

Red caviar is made out of big orange-red salmon or trout eggs. They have transparent cell walls and are quite fishy. You can tell you’re eating fish eggs, unlike black caviar. Red caviar is not regarded a luxury like Sturgeon, and the supply is plentiful, making it fairly affordable. In modest quantities, particularly in sushi, I enjoy it. Many sushi restaurants refer the small floating fish eggs used as decoration as “caviar,” however these are not salted like other caviars.

Answer 2:

Let’s begin with an explanation. Caviar is made from salted fish eggs that have been cleaned. Although Sturgeon is regarded as the queen, this is not always the case. In the late summer, I can buy very fresh Salmon, Lake Trout, Whitefish, and subsequently, Cisco caviar in the Great Lakes region. I’ll eat it 72 hours after the fish has been swimming if the time is right. It has a light, sweet, and faintly fishy/salty flavor. The texture is gentle to firm and spans from 3mm to.5mm. A nice Delmonico steak costs around the same per kg. It’s a big deal.