You might actually be surprised with the amount of health benefits that are associated with caviar. In fact, it has a great deal of vitamins, protein, minerals, healthy fats, and more. So, we’re going to take a closer look at all of these.

Black and Red Caviar Nutrition Facts

Serv Size: 1 oz (28g) Amount Per Serving: Calories 71, Fat Cal. 45, Total Fat 5g (8%DV), Sat. Fat 1g (6%DV), Trans Fat 0g, Cholest. 165mg (55%DV), Sodium 420mg (18%DV), Total Carb. 1g (0%DV), Fiber 0g (0%DV), Sugars Og, Protein 7g, Vitamin A (5%DV), Vitamin C (0%DV), Calcium (8%DV), Iron (18%DV).

Prior to the ovulation process, the mature fish will actually nourish the unfertilized eggs with vitamins and minerals. This is essential to the process of actually growing the eggs into fish. As a result, this delicacy is actually loaded with a whole lot of great ingredients that you can and should enjoy.

You’ll find, however, that it’s best to eat in moderation, as there are some other components that you don’t necessarily want to ingest quite as frequently. Or at least, you don’t want to be eating caviar exclusively or extensively.

Is Caviar Good For You?

The short answer to this question is that caviar is definitely good for you and offers a range of different health benefits including protein, iron, magnesium, calcium, selenium, vitamin A, B2, B12, B44, D, K, and Phosphorus. And you’ll find amino acids like isoleucine, methionine, arginine, lysine, and histidine.

Just a single tablespoon of caviar will also give you a full gram of omega-3 fatty acids. This is a known supporter of the nervous system, circulatory system, and immune system. And that means that caviar can contribute toward preventing heart disease and the risk of cardiac death. Not to mention it can decrease symptoms associated with bipolar disorder and depression and potentially improve the brain and eye development of a fetus.

Some other health benefits you’ll find include:
– Prevention of aging
– Increased immune system
– Increased brain function
– Improved joint and skeletal systems
– Increased circulatory health
– Decreased heart disease risk
– Atherosclerosis prevention
– Rickets prevention

Caviar Vitamins

You’ve likely heard that you should take more vitamin C if you’re feeling ill, but actually vitamin A and vitamin E are great for the immune system. Both of these are present in caspian sea caviar. In fact, vitamin A, which assists with the growth of cells, is found in quantities of approximately 257 IU per tablespoon of caspian sea caviar. And vitamin E, which helps decrease membrane degradation and increase antibody cells, is found at amounts of ½ mg per tablespoon of caspian sea caviar.

Amount of Caviar Vitamins per 1 tbsp (16g)

Caviar Nutritional Information
You will find each of these vitamins in caviar:
– Vitamin A
– Vitamin D
– Vitamin E
– Vitamin K
– Thiamin
– Riboflavin
– Niacin
– Vitamin B6
– Folate
– Vitamin B12
– Pantothenic Acid
– Choline
– Betaine

Caviar Minerals

On top of all the vitamins that you’ll find there are also plenty of minerals in caviar as well. These include calcium, iron, magnesium, and zinc.

Zinc – improves the immune system and provides for an increase of white blood cells as needed. It provides additional support in releasing antibodies. It’s found in amounts of 0.27 mg per ounce of caspian sea caviar.

Selenium & Iron – Both of these are great at increasing blood cell production, which helps in the fight against viruses and bacteria. Selenium is found in quantities of 18.6 micrograms per ounce and iron at quantities of 3.37 mg per ounce, of caspian sea caviar.

Amount of Caviar Minerals per 1 tbsp. (16g)

Caviar Nutritional Information
You’ll find each of these minerals present in your caviar:
– Calcium
– Iron
– Magnesium
– Phosphorus
– Potassium
– Sodium
– Zinc
– Copper
– Manganese
– Selenium
– Fluoride

Caviar Essential Fats

You’ll also find omega-3 fatty acids present in caviar, which is extremely important for your immune system. It actually helps increase the communication of your cells when you’re having an immune response and also keeps your inflammatory response balanced. Not to mention it could decrease stiffness, joint pain and heart disease risk.
Amount of Caviar Essential Fats per 1 tbsp (16g)

Caviar Nutritional Information

You’ll find several different types of fats and fatty acids in caviar, including:
– Saturated fat
– Monounsaturated fat
– Polyunsaturated fat
– Omega-3 fatty acids
– Omega-6 fatty acids

Caviar Protein & Amino Acids

Your body absolutely needs protein in order to produce everything about the body, including bones, muscles, skin, blood, and cartilage. And there is more protein included in caviar as well, which means that you’re going to get even more health benefits.

Amount of Caviar Protein per 1 tbsp (16g)
In caviar you’re going to find a range of amino acids and proteins, which include:
– Protein
– Tryptophan
– Threonine
– Isoleucine
– Leucine
– Lysine
– Methionine
– Cystine
– Phenylalanine
– Tyrosine
– Valine
– Arginine
– Histidine
– Alanine
– Aspartic acid
– Glutamic acid
– Glycine
– Proline
– Serine

Caviar Calories

Now, on the other side of things you’ll find that there is a decent amount of calories in the small amount of caviar that you will likely be tasting. For example, in approximately a single tablespoon of caviar you will find about 42 calories. The good news is that these calories are balanced between calories from protein and calories from fat.

Is Caviar Bad For You?

Now, when you look at all the good about caviar you might wonder if there’s any reason not to eat it in higher quantities. And the truth is that there are some things you need to keep in mid. For one thing, caviar has a lot of calories, sodium, and cholesterol. This means that it’s a good idea to limit your serving to about 30 to 50 grams at most.

Also, you shouldn’t be eating caviar every day, as getting a more balance diet of other healthy foods is going to give you even better benefits than eating large amounts of caviar. The best thing you can do is to enjoy it in moderation.
The only way that it’s going to be entirely bad for you, however, is if you are allergic. Those who have fish allergies should be very careful about ingesting caviar. It could cause a rash or swelling if you are allergic.

For pregnant women it is important to speak with a doctor and know what type of caviar you are eating. Some is processed in no-kill farms where the fish are injected with some form of hormone to prepare the eggs. These hormones can be dangerous to pregnant women.

Caviar Nutrition

So, what does all of this tell us? It tells us that there are a number of benefits to caviar, including all of the vitamins, minerals, proteins, amino acids, and more. That means if you’re looking for a great delicacy to enjoy, this is one of the best you can find.