What is Grouper (Epinephelus morio; Mycteroperca bonaci)?

Grouper Grouper

Common names for Grouper

Red grouper; black grouper, gag

Other languages for Grouper

  • French name: Mérou nègre
  • Italian name: Cernia
  • German name: Zackenbarsch

Introduction to Grouper

Groupers are members of one of the biggest and most diverse fish families, the sea basses. The red grouper (Epinephelus morio) is the most commonly seen grouper on the market and is highly prized for its availability, taste, and size. Due to the scarcity of genuine black grouper (Mycteroperca spp.) on the commercial market, it has been mainly supplanted by the gag (Mycteroperca micro-lepis), which has comparable edibility and value. Certain processors refer to gag as « the preferred grouper, » because to its higher output and tougher flesh. It is known to as black grouper on the market. Black grouper has a market value of about 20 pounds, whereas red grouper has a market value of between 5 and 15 pounds. Groupers inhabit temperate seas ranging from the Mid-Atlantic and Florida to South America, Central America, and the Gulf of Mexico. Typically, groupers are captured with a hook and line.

Product profile for Grouper

The flavor of groupers is moderate but unique, midway between bass and halibut. Most groupers have a similar flavor and texture, with minor variations in flavor and texture based on size, species, and harvest site. The red grouper is sweeter and gentler than the black grouper, and many people prefer the reds. It’s difficult to discern the difference between red and black grouper once the skin is gone, but black grouper has firmer flesh while it’s fresh. Both have white, lean raw flesh with a noticeable lack of bones. The white flesh has a solid texture and thick flake when cooked, and it stays juicy.

Cooking tips for Grouper

Blackened grouper is a popular Southern dish, but this adaptable fish may also be fried, grilled, skewered, or used in chowders and soups. Larger whole grouper can be roasted, and due of their thickness, huge fillets should be butterflied before grilling. Grouper is a forgiving fish that may be overdone while still remaining juicy.

Nutrition facts for Grouper

Calories: 92 Fat Calories: 9.2 Total Fat: 1 g Saturated Fat: 0.2 g Cholesterol: 37 mg Sodium: 53 mg Protein: 19.4 g Omega 3: 0.3 g

Primary product forms for Grouper

Fresh: Whole, Dressed, H&G, Fillets, Fingers Frozen: Dressed, H&G, Fillets, Fingers

Global supply for Grouper

Brazil, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, United States, Iran