What is Tuna (Thunnus alalunga)?

Tuna Tuna

Common names for Tuna

Albacore, longfin tuna, tombo (Hawaiian)

Other languages for Tuna

  • French name: Germon
  • Italian name: Tonno
  • German name: Weisser Thun

Introduction to Tuna

Albacore tuna is well recognized in the United States as the highest-grade canned tuna with « white flesh. » Indeed, it is the only kind of tuna flesh permitted to be called « white meat. » However, it has acquired a reputation in fresh and frozen markets outside of the can. The albacore’s body is steamlined and torpedo-shaped. It is colored similarly to other tunas in blue and silver, but has longer pectoral fins. Albacore is a schooling fish that is captured globally by trollers and longliners in tropical and subtropical seas. Albacore travel as far north as the Bay of Biscay in the Atlantic. They are few on the North American side of the Atlantic. They are found in the Pacific fishery off the West Coast and in the seas around Hawaii. The fish may weigh between five and one hundred pounds, although the typical market weight is between ten and thirty pounds. From newly landed tuna, high-grade « clipper » albacore loins have been sliced and frozen aboard. The yield and quality are outstanding. Tuna must be refrigerated immediately upon harvesting to avoid the formation of histamine, which may cause scromboid poisoning.

Product profile for Tuna

Albacore has a mild, rich flavor as well as a firm, steak-like texture and big, juicy flakes. Albacore tuna meat is less thick than bluefin tuna meat, yet it is one of the fattest tuna species, with higher omega-3 than the other tuna species. Albacore tuna flesh is the lightest of all the tunas, ranging from pale beige to practically brown when raw. After cooking, all albacore meat turns off-white. Albacore flesh is less firm than yellowfin or bluefin, making it unsuitable for sashimi.

Cooking tips for Tuna

Albacore, like the other tunas, should appeal to meat eaters, particularly grillers. Albacore cooks fast and is best served rare for optimum taste. Try grilling albacore steaks and serving them with a spicy sauce. Marinating albacore ahead of time and basting it during the cooking process will keep it moist and prevent it from becoming tough.

Nutrition facts for Tuna

Calories: 152 Fat Calories: 16 Total Fat: 1.8 g Saturated Fat: 0 g Cholesterol: 58 mg Sodium: 47 mg Protein: 30 g Omega 3: N/A

Primary product forms for Tuna

Fresh: Whole, H&G, Loins, Steaks Frozen: Whole, H&G, Loins, Steaks Value-added: Canned, Smoked

Global supply for Tuna

Korea, Japan, New Zealand, South Africa, Spain, Taiwan, United States, Iran