What is Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus)?

Haddock Haddock

Common names for Haddock

Haddock, scrod haddock, finnan haddie

Other languages for Haddock

  • French name: Églefin
  • Italian name: Eglefino
  • German name: Schellfisch

Introduction to Haddock

Haddock is a premium whitefish and a member of the cod family, but it is smaller than Atlantic cod, measuring between 2 and 5 pounds. The haddock has a distinctive black mark in the « shoulder » region, which is often referred to as the « devil’s fingerprint » or « St. Peter’s mark, » and its skin is less mottled than the cod’s. The word « scrod » refers to gutted haddock weighing between 1 1/2 and 2 pounds. Haddock weighing less than 1 1/2 pounds is referred regarded as « snapper haddock, » while those weighing more than 2 1/2 pounds are referred to as « big haddock. » On both sides of the North Atlantic, haddock may be found. On the US/Canada border, the highest concentrations are on Georges Bank and in the Gulf of Maine. Haddock is also found in northern Europe, where it is prized for fish and chips and cold-smoked products such as the famous finnan haddie invented in Scotland over a century ago. Longlines and trawl nets are used to catch haddock.

Product profile for Haddock

Haddock has a delightful, melt-in-your-mouth appeal thanks to its fine flake and somewhat sweet flavor. The flake is finer than cod, and the lean flesh has a solid yet delicate feel. The uncooked meat is white and becomes much whiter when cooked. The flesh must be strong and durable. The meat is distinguished from cod by a thin coating of connective tissue surrounding it.

Cooking tips for Haddock

The same recipes that work for cod also work for haddock, which is a versatile fish. Smaller haddock fillets may be sautéed simply, and all haddock is delicious in soups and stews. Haddock is ideal for pan frying and poaching because the flesh keeps together better than cod or pollock. Haddock frames make excellent stock. One of the most popular varieties is smoked haddock, often known as « finnan haddie. »

Nutrition facts for Haddock

Calories: 87 Fat Calories: 6.5 Total Fat: 0.7 g Saturated Fat: 0.1 g Cholesterol: 57 mg Sodium: 68 mg Protein: 18.9 g Omega 3: 0.2 g

Primary product forms for Haddock

Fresh: Dressed (head-on), H&G, Fillets (skin-on), Loins Frozen: H&G, Fillets (skin-on), Blocks Value-added: Breaded portions, Smoked

Global supply for Haddock

Canada, Iceland, Norway, Russia, UK, United States, Iran