What is Coho or silver salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)?

Coho or silver salmon Coho or silver salmon

Common names for Coho or silver salmon

Coho or silver salmon

Other languages for Coho or silver salmon

  • French name: Saumon argenté
  • Italian name: Salmone argentato
  • German name: Silberlachs

Introduction to Coho or silver salmon

The coho has the greatest resemblance to the Atlantic salmon of the Pacific salmon. Counting the rays on the anal fin is an easy method to determine the difference (the hard, bone-like parts). Pacific salmon have 13–19 rays, whereas Atlantic salmon have fewer than ten. Coho is also referred to as silver salmon, medium-red salmon (a name used by canners), Hoopid salmon, white salmon, blush salmon, silversides, and jack salmon, although the term « jack » refers to all juvenile male salmon. Coho salmon may be found on both sides of the Pacific, from southern California to Alaska, as well as in Russia and Japan. Alaska collects the majority of the world’s wild coho salmon, which are the foundation of Alaska’s salmon troll fishery, but some fish are caught via gillnets and seines. In Chile and Japan, cohos are also grown in floating pens. Market-size cohos weigh between 4 and 12 pounds and are smaller than chinooks but bigger than chum or sockeyes. Fish bred at hatcheries are often smaller, weighing between two and three pounds per.

Product profile for Coho or silver salmon

The coho is a popular fish because of its size, relatively high fat content, and good color retention. Coho has a subtle taste when cooked on a pan. Fillets from bigger fish have a milder salmon flavor than chum, but are more delicious. Wild coho has a delicate meat that turns hard when cooked. Coho meat is reddish-orange in color and somewhat fatty, flaking well. The flesh is often pinker than chum, but paler than chinook and sockeye. Because most coho are captured by troll, stay away from fish that show indications of brui

Cooking tips for Coho or silver salmon

Because of its high oil content, coho is great for grilling. Cook until the salmon is opaque throughout and flakes easily, basting it with the marinade and covering it with foil. Cohos are also excellent when smoked, and European smokers prefer them.

Nutrition facts for Coho or silver salmon

Calories: 146 Fat Calories: 53 Total Fat: 5.9 g Saturated Fat: 1.3 g Cholesterol: 45 mg Sodium: 46 mg Protein: 21.6 g Omega 3: 1.3 g

Primary product forms for Coho or silver salmon

Fresh: Dressed (head on), H&G, Steaks, Fillets (typically pinbone-in), Tail roasts Frozen: H&G, Steaks, Fillets (typically pinbone-in), Tail roasts Value-added: Smoked, Portions

Global supply for Coho or silver salmon

Canada, Chile, Japan, Russia, United States, Iran