What is Shrimp (Penaeus vannamei; P. stylirostris)?

Shrimp Shrimp

Common names for Shrimp

White-leg, Mexican white, Pacific white, Ecuadoran white; blue shrimp, steelies

Other languages for Shrimp

  • French name: Crevette
  • Italian name: Gambero
  • German name: Garnele

Introduction to Shrimp

Pacific white shrimp are one of the world’s most commonly farmed shrimp. This is mostly owing to the ease with which it grows and its fast growth rate; harvesting starts after 120 days. Penaeus vannamei, found from Sonora, Mexico, to northern Peru, and P. stylirostris, found from Baja, California, to Peru, are the two warmwater species known as Pacific whites. Both are also collected wild by trawlers, but farmed supplies are much larger than wild supply – particularly vannamei from Ecuador. Pacific whites are grown in Texas and South Carolina in the United States. Both of these Pacific species, like Gulf white shrimp, may reach a maximum length of approximately 9 inches. IQF and block-frozen whole shrimp are gaining popularity as producers seek for ways to pass along processing expenses to consumers. The quality of pond-raised Pacific white shrimp is often excellent, due to tight controls and the absence of at-sea time associated with wild shrimp harvesting.

Product profile for Shrimp

White shrimp from the Pacific is firm, sweet, and mild. The salinity of the stylirostris differs from that of the vannamei species. Though it may be difficult to distinguish them from Gulf whites, P. vannamei are creamy white in color, whereas Gulf whites are grayish-white. The stylirostris is usually white with a greenish or blue tinge to it. Both species’ raw flesh is white, but when cooked, it develops a pale pink color. To prevent drip loss, peeled shrimp are frequently soaked in phosphates. As long as the product isn’t oversoaked, it’s a common technique that should be noted on the label. If thawed shrimp feels «soapy,» they’ve been soaked for too long and absorbed too much water.

Cooking tips for Shrimp

Try cooking shrimp with celery and garlic in lager. Scampi in Wine is a traditional dish made with big Pacific white shrimp. 3 tablespoons melted butter, one finely minced garlic clove, and 2 teaspoons finely chopped parsley Lightly brown the meat. 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice, 1/3 cup dry white wine, and season to taste with salt and pepper 1 pound deveined and shelled shrimp Quickly sauté, stirring constantly, until done.

Nutrition facts for Shrimp

Calories: 106 Fat Calories: 15.3 Total Fat: 1.7 g Saturated Fat: 0.3 g Cholesterol: 152 mg Sodium: 148 mg Protein: 20.3 g Omega 3: 0.53 g

Primary product forms for Shrimp

Frozen: Whole (raw or cooked), Blocks, IQF, Cooked headless, Split, butterfly, fantail, Pieces Value-added: Breaded, Prepared entrées

Global supply for Shrimp

Brazil, China, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Honduras, India, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Thailand, United States, Venezuela, Vietnam, Iran