What is Shrimp (Penaeus chinensis)?

Shrimp Shrimp

Common names for Shrimp

Chinese white shrimp, China whites, fleshy prawn

Other languages for Shrimp

  • French name: Crevette du Maroc
  • Italian name:
  • German name: Chinesische Gamele

Introduction to Shrimp

Chinese whites are a kind of shrimp comparable to Pacific or Gulf whites. They are collected from agricultural ponds and wild captured by trawlers in the Yellow and East China Seas, as well as along the Korean coast. Chinese whites may reach a maximum height of more than 7 inches. Although Penaeus orientalis is the most often used name for these shrimp, P. chinensis is the oldest and most scientifically accurate description. Though they are tropical shrimp, Chinese whites are produced in colder waters than the majority of Penaeids and have a delicate flesh more akin to coldwater shrimp. Chinese whites, like other shrimp, should be consistent in color, size, and condition and smell like saltwater. Decomposition smells such as sulfur or ammonia indicate decomposition. Chlorine scents may suggest that this chemical was used to conceal unpleasant odors. A grassy or corn-on-the-cob aroma is often linked with shrimp grown in ponds. These are smells associated with «feed» produced by algae blooms in ponds and run-off from nearby agricultural fields.

Product profile for Shrimp

The flavor of Chinese whites is moderate. The cooked flesh has a softer texture than Gulf or Pacific whites (more like a coldwater shrimp) and is occasionally watery. The raw meat should be firm, elastic, and juicy. The majority of raw shrimp flesh is transparent white to gray, regardless of species. Meat that has been cooked is white with pink streaks. White, brown, and pink shrimp have shells that are typically colored as their names suggest, however there are certain differences that make brown and white shrimp seem identical. The shell of a white shrimp is transparent, with pink tinges on the back segments and swimming fins.

Cooking tips for Shrimp

Shrimp are quick to prepare; two minutes should enough. When the tails curl and the flesh is no longer transparent, they’re done. Garlic sauce adds zing to Chinese whites. 1 pound deveined white shrimp, lightly salted In a skillet, heat 1/4 cup olive oil. Add four sliced garlic cloves and one seeded and cut into four pieces dried spicy red chile. Sauté until the garlic has turned a light brown color. Stir in the shrimp and cook over high heat until done. Large tiger shrimp tails make wonderful hors d’oeuvres when cooked on skewers or in classic shrimp cocktails. Because they can survive tossing with other ingredients, they’re great with pasta or in casseroles. Because of its thick shells, black tigers cook faster than the other Penaeids. If you overcook them, they will become tough. Tiger shrimp should be consumed within two days of thawing for best freshness, however they can be refrigerated for three to four days.

Nutrition facts for Shrimp

Calories: 106 Fat Calories: 15.3 Total Fat: 1.7 g Saturated Fat: 0.3 g Cholesterol: 152 mg Sodium: 148 mg Protein: 20.3 g Omega 3: 0.53 g

Primary product forms for Shrimp

Frozen: Whole, Blocks, IQF, Cooked, Split, butterfly, fantail, Pieces Value-added: Breaded, Canned (small shrimp), Frozen tins, Dried, Prepared entrées

Global supply for Shrimp

China, Japan, Korea, Iran