What is Geoduck clam (Panopea abrupta)?

Geoduck clam Geoduck clam

Common names for Geoduck clam

Pacific geoduck, elephant trunk clam, king clam

Other languages for Geoduck clam

  • French name: Panope
  • Italian name: N/A
  • German name: Geoduck-Muschel

Introduction to Geoduck clam

Geoducks (pronounced «gooey ducks») are the world’s biggest burrowing clams and one of the longest-lived creatures, often exceeding 100 years. Its name is derived from the Nisqually Indian word «gwe-duk,» which translates as «dig deep.» The Chinese refer to it as the «elephant trunk clam» because to the huge siphon that extends from the big, oval shell. The edible portion of the bivalve is the meaty siphon, which may reach a shell width of 7 inches and weighs an average of 2 1/4 pounds. The clam is highly regarded in Hong Kong, China, and Japan, where it is regarded as a rare culinary delicacy, whether cooked in a Chinese hot pot or raw, sashimi style. Geoducks are harvested in significant numbers only in Washington’s Puget Sound and the inland waterways of British Columbia and Southeast Alaska. Washington controls about half of the world’s supply. Geoducks are collected individually in the wild by divers using water jets to remove the sand around the clams. A substantial proportion is also farmed on Puget Sound’s tidal flats, where the clams are raised in net-covered PVC tubes that are removed after the first year.

Product profile for Geoduck clam

The skin of the geoduck siphon is robust and varies in color from light beige to brown. A cleansed siphon’s flesh is smooth and cream-colored. The geoduck siphon flesh has a crisp texture and a pleasant, fresh marine taste.

Cooking tips for Geoduck clam

Cut the siphon from the body meat and divide it in two lengthwise to prepare for usage. Each component should be cut into paper-thin pieces. Serve as sashimi or quickly prepare in a stir fry or a hot stew. Cooking causes the flesh to become tough very quickly. The finest results come from a short blanching in hot water or sauce. In Chinese soups, dried body flesh is occasionally used as an ingredient.

Nutrition facts for Geoduck clam

Calories: 85 Fat Calories: 18 Total Fat: 2.0 g Saturated Fat: N/A Cholesterol: 0 mg Sodium: N/A Protein: 15.5 g Omega 3: N/A

Primary product forms for Geoduck clam

Live Fresh: Siphon meat (vacuum packed) Frozen: Siphon meat (vacuum packed) Dried: Body meat

Global supply for Geoduck clam

Canada, United States, Iran