What is Tuna (Thunnus thynnus)?

Tuna Tuna

Common names for Tuna

Bluefin tuna, giant bluefin, northern bluefin, Atlantic bluefin

Other languages for Tuna

  • French name: Thon rouge
  • Italian name: Tonno
  • German name: Roter Thun

Introduction to Tuna

Fishermen refer to them as giants for a reason: Bluefin tuna is the biggest commercially caught tuna species, weighing in at little over 2,000 pounds and reaching a length of more than 12 feet. This swift-swimming migratory species is found worldwide in temperate and tropical seas. Over half of the world catch is derived from populations in the eastern and western Atlantic Oceans that are ecologically distinct. The Mediterranean is also a historically significant region for bluefin tuna. Bluefin tuna are fished using a number of different gear types, including purse seine, harpoon, longline, troll, handline, and rod & reel. The gigantic bluefin’s top body is blue-black, while the sides and belly are silvery white. The finlets are black-edged. Despite their potential size, bluefin tuna harvested commercially are typically between 200 and 400 pounds. Bluefin is graded by removing «plugs» of flesh to determine its fat content and color, which are important variables in determining its price.

Product profile for Tuna

Bluefin tuna is highly regarded as a raw commodity due to its high fat content, and it is sold in three categories. The freshest and fattiest «sashimi-grade» goes to the Japanese market. «Grill grade» comes in second place. Nos. 3 and 4 show a decline in quality. Bluefin tuna is the darkest and fattest of all tuna species, with crimson raw flesh. The flesh becomes firm and an off-white or ivory hue when cooked. It has a unique taste. The meat is solid and resembles beef steaks in appearance. The taste of raw bluefin meat can be mellowed by brining it overnight.

Cooking tips for Tuna

Tuna that has been overcooked becomes rough and unpalatable. Treat the meaty bluefin like a sirloin steak when broiling or grilling it; it’s finest when done rare. The color will be light and airy, the flesh will be solid, and the flavor will be strong. Serve bluefin steaks with a good red wine.

Nutrition facts for Tuna

Calories: 144 Fat Calories: 44 Total Fat: 4.9 g Saturated Fat: 1.3 g Cholesterol: 38 mg Sodium: 39 mg Protein: 23.3 g Omega 3: 1.3 g

Primary product forms for Tuna

Fresh: H&G, Loins, Chunks, Steaks Frozen: H&G, Loins, Chunks, Steaks Value-added: Canned

Global supply for Tuna

Canada, France, Italy, Japan, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, United States, Iran