What is Barramundi (Lates calcarifer)?

Barramundi Barramundi

Common names for Barramundi

Barramundi perch, giant perch, palmer, cockup, bekti, nairfish, silver barramundi, Asian seabass

Other languages for Barramundi

  • French name: Barramundi, brochet de mer
  • Italian name: Barramundi
  • German name: Barramundi

Introduction to Barramundi

Barramundi, a relative newcomer to the United States seafood industry, is gaining traction in both high-end restaurants and mid-scale shops, where its flexibility and eco-friendly image have won it a following. The Aborigines of Australia gave this species the name barramundi, which translates as „river fish with big scales.“ It spends the most of its life in rivers, moving to estuaries to spawn and then returning to its original river system. Barramundi, a member of the sea bass family, is indigenous to the northern tropical seas of Australia and portions of Southeast Asia. Farms and wild fisheries both contribute to the worldwide market’s growth. The robust barramundi may reach market weights of 1.5 to 2 pounds in less than a year, making it an excellent aquaculture candidate. In the 1970s, farming of this species began in Thailand and quickly expanded across Southeast Asia, mostly in modest, coastal cage operations. Additionally, barramundi are grown in Australia, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, and Vietnam, as well as in the United States, at facilities located in western Massachusetts and Florida. Off the Marshall Islands, an Australian firm is growing barramundi in open-ocean cages. Indonesia is the world’s largest supplier, producing mostly 5- to 10-pound barramundi from wild fisheries.

Product profile for Barramundi

Cooked meat is white, whereas raw flesh is pearly pink. The texture of barramundi is solid and juicy, with big flakes. The delicious, buttery taste of the fish is highly regarded. The flavor of little barramundi is milder than that of bigger fish. The fish’s few bones are big and easy to remove.

Cooking tips for Barramundi

Barramundi is a versatile fish with enough oil in its flesh to keep it moist during cooked. The mild, sweet taste pairs well with a variety of sauces and seasonings. Grill entire barramundi and serve with a butter sauce made with dill and lemon. The fish is also delicious pan-seared, with the edible skin crisping up nicely. For a traditional preparation, Aborigines wrap barramundi in wild ginger leaves and roast it in hot ashes.

Nutrition facts for Barramundi

Calories: 108 Fat Calories: 8 Total Fat: 0.9 g Saturated Fat: 0.4 g Cholesterol: 45 mg Sodium: N/A Protein: 20.1 g Omega 3: 0.6 g

Primary product forms for Barramundi

Global supply for Barramundi

Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand, United States, Iran