What is Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis)?

Whitefish Whitefish

Common names for Whitefish

Lake whitefish, inland whitefish, Labrador white fish, shad

Other languages for Whitefish

  • French name: Corégone de lac
  • Italian name: Coregone die grandi laghi
  • German name: Felchen

Introduction to Whitefish

The word “whitefish” may be perplexing, since it is often used generically to refer to a variety of saltwater species of mild-flavored, white-fleshed fish. Additionally, it describes at least seven different species of related fish, all of which are found in fresh and salt water in the Arctic and sub-Arctic. The most lucrative of them is the lake whitefish, Coregonus clupeaformis, which is found in cold, deep-water lakes across the northern United States and Canada and is the main producer. Salmonidae is a family of silvery, small-mouthed freshwater fish. Though they are related to salmon and trout, they have pure white flesh and were historically used to make gefilte fish. Whitefish roe, often known as golden caviar, is very valuable. Due to the fact that whitefish are taken from cold, northern seas and are not exposed to climatic heat, their quality is usually very excellent.

Product profile for Whitefish

Whitefish is often regarded as one of the best-eating freshwater fish. The flesh has a high fat content since the fish dwells in cold northern lakes, making it a good choice for smoking. The mild flavor reminds me of salmon rather than trout. The flesh has a big flake and is medium-firm. Despite the fact that whitefish is a salmonid, the meat does not resemble trout or salmon. The flesh is virtually pure white when raw, and it becomes off-white when cooked.

Cooking tips for Whitefish

Whitefish, with their relatively high fat content, are a little more tolerant of overcooking than leaner fish. Use skin-on fillets for grilling. Because the meat is firm and stays together nicely, whitefish may also be utilized in seafood chowders or salads.

Nutrition facts for Whitefish

Calories: 134 Fat Calories: 81 Total Fat: 5.9 g Saturated Fat: 0.9 g Cholesterol: 48 mg Sodium: 51 mg Protein: 19.1 g Omega 3: 1.4 g

Primary product forms for Whitefish

Fresh: Whole (dressed), Fillets, Steaks Frozen: Whole (dressed), Fillets, Steaks Value-added: Smoked (head-on; fillets), Roe

Global supply for Whitefish

Canada, United States, Iran