What is Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus)?

Snapper Snapper

Common names for Snapper

American red snapper, Red snapper, Caribbean red snapper, Mexican snapper

Other languages for Snapper

  • French name: Vivaneau
  • Italian name: Lutiano rosso
  • German name: Schnapper

Introduction to Snapper

The term “red snapper” has been used to almost any fish that is red. The FDA, on the other hand, requires that only American red snapper, L. campechanus, be transported nationwide lawfully carrying the genuine red snapper designation. Be cautious of West Coast “snapper”; it may really be rockfish, which has a totally different flavor and texture. Red snappers may reach 35 pounds, although the most typical size is between 4 and 6 pounds. 2 to 4 pound fish have a shiny, pink skin. Their skin gets redder as they increase in size. Many other snapper species are edible, but lack the American red snapper’s signature red skin and red eyes. Additionally, it has huge, dog-like fangs, which give this fish its snapper moniker. The species is found from North Carolina through Florida’s “snapper banks,” off the Texas and Louisiana coastlines, and all the way down to Mexico’s Campeche Bank. Mexico is the source of imports. Snapper are caught mostly with longlines, but also with traps and trawls.

Product profile for Snapper

Red snapper has a lean, juicy texture and a sweet, mild, but unique taste. It has a lean but juicy texture. The excellent flavor of this fish is proven by the several different varieties of fish that, with just a tinge of red, pass for “red” snapper in the markets. In its raw condition, the semi-firm meat is pinkish with yellow tones, and when cooked, it becomes somewhat lighter. The back of the skin is a bright crimson, which fades to a pinkish-red bottom. Domestic American red snapper is nearly typically sold with the skin on to help in identification.

Cooking tips for Snapper

Red snapper is a versatile fish that may be prepared in a variety of ways. Steam it entire, like the Chinese do. Whole fish stuffed with fresh herbs and spices is another option. Skin-on American red snapper fillets should not curl during cooking, but skin-on fillets from other snapper species may. That’s a terrible way to discover out you’ve paid full price for a fake.

Nutrition facts for Snapper

Calories: 100 Fat Calories: 12 Total Fat: 1.3 g Saturated Fat: 0.3 g Cholesterol: 37 mg Sodium: 64 mg Protein: 20.5 g Omega 3: 0.4 g

Primary product forms for Snapper

Fresh: Whole, Dressed, H&G, Fillets (skin-on) Frozen: Dressed, H&G, Fillets (skin-on)

Global supply for Snapper

Mexico, United States, Iran