What is Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)?

Atlantic salmon Atlantic salmon

Common names for Atlantic salmon

Atlantic salmon, farmed salmon, Eastern salmon

Other languages for Atlantic salmon

  • French name: Saumon de l’Atlantique
  • Italian name: Salmone
  • German name: Echter Lachs

Introduction to Atlantic salmon

Atlantic salmon farming, one of contemporary aquaculture’s major success stories, began commercially in the early 1980s, with Norway leading the way. Global output has grown dramatically since that time, and Atlantic salmon are now farmed in more than a dozen nations worldwide, most notably in Latin America, Europe, and North America. While Atlantic salmon lack the many popular and regional names associated with wild Pacific salmon, nations that cultivate the fish refer to them as Scottish salmon, Norwegian salmon, and so on. To aid in the development of a “natural” taste, the fish are usually reared in huge, floating net-pens, frequently in open bays. Adult Atlantic salmon are a beautiful silver-skinned fish with prominent black cross-like markings running down the length of the body and head and above the lateral line. It bears a striking resemblance to the Pacific coho. Atlantics raised in captivity start at four pounds, although fish up to eighteen pounds are available.

Product profile for Atlantic salmon

The flavor of Atlantic salmon is not as strong as that of wild salmon. The flesh is reasonably solid and oily, though not as fatty as wild chinook, or king, salmon. The color of the flesh varies depending on the amount of pigment in the feed, but Atlantic meat is generally a rich orange or pinkish-orange color. When uncooked, the fatty flesh seems nearly marbled. When cooked, Atlantic salmon keeps its color and has a big, juicy flake.

Cooking tips for Atlantic salmon

Fillets of Atlantic salmon are visually appealing and should be used in dishes that highlight the fish. Avoid additional aromas that overwhelm the delicate flavor of the Atlantic salmon. Sliced cucumbers and young potatoes go nicely together in a mild dill-and-yogurt or cucumber-dill sauce.

Nutrition facts for Atlantic salmon

Calories: 183 Fat Calories: 98.1 Total Fat: 10.9 g Saturated Fat: 2.2 g Cholesterol: 59 mg Sodium: 59 mg Protein: 19.9 g Omega 3: 1.9 g

Primary product forms for Atlantic salmon

Fresh: Dressed, H&G, Fillets (skin-on/skinless, pinbones in or out), Roasts Frozen: Dressed, H&G, Fillets (skin-on/skinless, pinbones in or out), Roasts Value-added: Smoked

Global supply for Atlantic salmon

Australia, Canada, Chile, England, Faroe Islands, Norway, Scotland, Iceland, Ireland, United States, Iran